Sunday 29 March 2020

Quantum Mechanism of Music in Theory and Practice

Quantum Mechanism of Music in Theory and Practice 

Dr. Shahzad Aasim 

Abstract- Music is such a vast and infinite subject specifically, from the research point of view, it is an endless journey to know where it originates and where it is destined to. Music as time and again has been defined as source of entertainment through playing of some particular instruments. Singing and dancing is considered as standard definition of music this has been taken as 1st part of this research that discusses music in a new perspective, the practical or performing art has been named as Chemistry of Music like different arrangement of chords in a different way creates different effective sounds or Music with musical composition and musical instruments. Secondly, science behind the music has been discussed thoroughly as it is assumed that the sound with its medium not only communicates with a melodious tone but also brings forth some information that in actual way makes a person feel ectasias on receiving that information this is a collaboration between music and science and herein has been named as Physics of Music. And finally the 3rd one is Clinical part, how it interacts with matter whether living or non-living with different formulas and methods. This belongs to music therapists and music healers. It discusses overall effects with all states of matter whether solid, liquid or gases and finally acquires a title Quantum Mechanism of Music in theory and Practice. Hope this will open up a new window for researchers. 

I. Introduction Mechanism of Physics. To understand Quantum Mechanism of Music, the genesis of The Quantum Mechanism of Physics must be learned in the beginning. Numerous theories have been written1 . When Quantum Mechanism level is discussed, it is found that the mechanism is only available in particle nature. When taken to the higher level, the results are different and same is the case with the Theory of Relativity. It means when approached upwards with same law, like in the Theory of Relativity, happens and when entered in, Quantum Mechanism is found2 . It means that there is no complete theory in the universe published and are still lagging behind in the field of science and research. Music comes under sound wave and physics, having its own laws. We have understood music in classified definition. So far as classical definition of music is concerned, Singing, dancing and playing of instruments is called music, but my definition of music is somewhat different, when we researched on music we found these are soft vibrations connected with effects of resonance3 . Thought came in my mind during my PhD that if everybody has same respiratory track, same vocal chords and same frequencies are produced why can’t everybody sing? This I documented as ‘Secret of music’. This with no going back paved way for my research called “Quantum Mechanism of music in theory and practice”. When sound wave is quantumized, lowest unit is revealed called frequency4 . When this wave goes to its receptor, it gets demodulated and receptor makes it out first and feels ecstatic. But this sound wave also carries an information that reaches the receptor with this information. Receptor not only listens but also understands the information that comes along with sound wave5 . So far as this information is concerned, its mechanism is not known to us. This is what has been procured to be decoded and recognize the game of this information. As said by Anderson, “Where words fail, music speaks”. We know this world has existed since the Big Bang. And it is everywhere. So, it has to appear in the arts too. But how and where? Before discussing music in detail, Let us categorized music in three parts:

 II. Applied Music or Chemistry of Music Applied music is vocal or instrumental musical performance subject to instruction in college or school as contrasted with musical theory and literature also known as practical music6 . 

III. Musicology or Physics of Music The science behind the music, especially in physics, there is of course a difference between normal sound and musical wave for the reason that musical wave has temptation but the normal sound sans temptation. Normal sound where frequencies fluctuate is recognized as noise or cacophony, discordance or unmusicality7 . But the question is, there is also a difference in these musical waves as well like some are more harmonious and some are less. What I did, I quantumized it as quantum Qubits, Nubits and quantum Iobits and extracted its quantum mechanism, what it is basically and how it works with this bit system? 

 IV. Clinical Music It is an important part of Music having connection with its interaction with matter, living and non-living, existing in the Universe including baryonic and non-baryonic forces, anti-mass concept and gravity etc. Presently Clinical aspect of Music as a music therapy is the use of music by a certified professional as an involvement to improve, restore, or maintain a non music-related behavior in a patient. Music therapist treats many people having different health disorders especially patients with Parkinson’s disease knows how music can provide an external cure for patients. Music therapist also uses group singing to help patients with Parkinson’s, improve their respiratory control and swallowed organs. It is an evidence-based clinical use of musical interventions to improve clients' quality of life. Music therapists use music and its many facets— physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual— to help clients improve their health in cognitive, motor, emotional, communicative, social, sensory, and educational domains by using both active and receptive music experiences. These experiences include improvisation, re-creation, composition, receptive methods, and discussion of music8 . Let me shed some light on this clinical part of the music. The impact of music is on each and every matter of the universe, in other words, sound interacts with all types of matter existing in this universe. This we can better understood through Cymatics (interaction of musical wave and matter) and music therapies, a concept in which sound waves are directed at the body with the aim of promoting health. We can see even color impacts with a particular music type. This also get patternized through the configuration of Cubits from both sides. It interacts with the neurological part of the human body. It touches all aspects of the mind, body, brain and behavior9 . It provides a distraction for the mind, it slows the rhythms of the body, and it alters or changes the aura, which in turn can influence behavior10. Trained and certified music therapists’ work in a variety of healthcare and educational settings. When combined together the impact of cubits, and their inaction at the quantum level and externally provide relief to the client finally a new outset is generated called the power of music. There are some unknown occurrences connected with the world of particles that we neither see with naked eye nor with any scientific gadget but that does exist. Specifically, there exists an information anonymous and new but intangible and indescribable. In my opinion, these quantum particles have a specific configuration and that varies from person to person and this configuration is simply called lock and key Method. 

 V. Lock and Key Method When two species are taken, having the same type of mechanism, same magnitude, same frequency and same parameters but different results received, having everything similar and identical. It discloses that something is still undiscovered11. To understand this secret, music sound wave must be taken to the Quantum level after that it can be understood that why different results come out. For example if two musical waves with same parameters are selected but the output won’t be same, it means there is one more system working within it and that is very important to understand. If my brain is listening to musical waves and feels ecstatic, so how it feels ecstatic12. When we quantumize it we get to know that cubits are in connection with Artist’s cubits irreversibly giving birth to a configuration when we further quantumize it.

 Cubits = nubits = iobits

These particles goes into configuration or maturation phase and convenes through the patch up of lock and key method from the donor (Artist) and the receptor and creates a smooth pattern at that time brain signals receive a smooth fashion. The more smoothness it receives, more it mesmerizes its receptor. Now, if it’s not liked by receptor then the configuration is not seasoned to level it should have been. If receptor likes half of the musical wave and the rest he feels appalled that means 50% of the particles have gone into the phase of configuration. This way the quantum mechanism of music streams its course of action. As per scientific knowledge, we already know the definition and background of sound but there are few things that has not been brought to light yet. Frequency the lowest unit of sound is measured in terms of oscillations per second or hertz. Observing vibrations while circulating in terms of frequency interacts and gets synchronized with the applied frequency created by the external force known as resonance and this process also creates dissonance as Global Journals Quantum Mechanism of Music in Theory and Practice a result of disequilibrium between natural and applied frequencies. At quantum level, this natural frequency which is a source of amount of mass, its stiffness and   gravitational mechanism is actually a part of super natural energy creating vibrations at quantum particle level that will be revealed later in the super infinity wave mechanism and interaction of sound in terms of phonons and gravity in terms of gravitons at quantum level. So far as the quantum mechanism of music is concerned, it works as per an important concept called, LOCK and KEY method that plays a dynamic role in liking and disliking of sound waves apart from resonance and dissonance and varies in several respects in terms of interaction with the living and non living matter of universe because in some cases noise or dissonance becomes the good signal for a living being that means resonance or dissonance has no role in terms of liking and disliking e.g. a noise becomes a good signal or alluring sound under the proper arrangement and control on pitch loudness, magnitude timbre and volume etc. musical wave becomes disliking at certain points that indicates a primary role of LOCK and KEY method in addition to resonance or dissonance which effects or interacts with the matter in a softer way and has connection with super infinity wave and gravitational mechanism etc. Now, let us go over to LOCK and KEY method of quantum mechanism of music that not only has frequency present at quantum level but when we observe frequency internally; we detect that sound is actually made of cubits which are further made of nanobits and nanobits are further made up of iobits. Consequently, it results in the formation of configuration and this configuration is a result of cubits that is these cubits take a particular shape and these cubits combine with the cubits of receptor object creating a maturation and result in formation a softness and this softness is referred as like. Apart from sound we also find colors appealing. So, what is the mechanism behind this occurrence, as there is no resonance in colors? This effect is attached to every matter that is to say cubits have an interaction within matter. Our point is that cubits are the main cause of liking and disliking. 

VI. Role of Lock & Key Method Experts are well acquainted with how music therapy reacts with neurons and heals the person suffering from any disease/disorder in other words to minimize the intensity of disease or any disorder otherwise divert it with melody of music. This we receive as a basic mechanism like in a patients suffering from any disease/disorder, we can perceive through this sound that the cubits in patient with intensity or configurational formula after maturating them. Now, it is all-inclusively acclaimed that some diseases or disorders specifically cardiac related health complaints or mental health issues can be treated with music therapy but what I disclose is that, each sound has a different combination thus carries an altogether different information but we need to unlock its configuration mathematically only in that fashion, we can specialize the sound for the particular disease/disorder and can definitely minimize the effect of the disease we are dealing with. This concept with its quantum will be thoroughly examined in my next paper. 

VII. Conclusion This paper and the concepts about dealing with quantum information in a compositional way is just an opening. I will be exploring scales for different types of musical instruments needs much more time and experimentation than what is possible within the 3-year Quantum Music. What has been proven throughout this research, is that quantum information is indeed viable as a way of generating musical material with an undiscovered information. As shown in the composition Super Position, it is possible to create melodies, harmonies and rhythmical patterns based on quantum leap frequencies as well as using the information as a time structuring element. Certainly, the entrances have been opened into the field of music composition. 

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