Sunday 14 July 2019

Secret of Nature (Introduction, Synopsis & Objectives).

Secret of Nature

Introduction, Synopsis & Objectives:
As known already, our universe is approximately about 13.8 billion years old, which is said to have originated from a magnanimous blast as explained in The Big Bang theory. It is believed that there are millions and billions of galaxies present in the universe, and each galaxy is believed to have millions and billions of planets and stars. Moreover, the universe is still expanding, and no one knows the limits it can expand up to. Even living in a world driven by scientific innovations and researches, a man is yet to uncover the secrets this universe holds. We only know about 10% or even less about this universe and the knowledge that it holds. While the rest 10% is being discovered, and the remaining 80% of which a human is still clueless. In this 80% of knowledge, scientist know that 90% of this knowledge, they are still unaware of. Hence, they have named it as "Dark Matter".  If put simply, Dark Matter is a Super Energy, in comparison to which, the Sun is nothing bust a speck of dust.
Thus, to find all these answers, scientist needs to dig deep to find answers like reason why Big Bang occurred and what were its consequences. But how can one find these answers? There are two ways. Either, scientists need to travel back in time using a time machine that will take back them to billions of years to find answers. Or create a similar scenario like that of Big Bang in a laboratory to find these answers. This seems difficult, but not impossible. Thus, in 1952 a Switzerland and Russia collaborated to establish a lab in Geneva known as CERN. But the project was huge, thus, two countries and hundreds of scientists were not just enough. Soon, about 38 countries, 77 universities and 3000 professors of physics joined this project too. In first phase, scientists made a 27 km long tunnel, 100 m below the surface of earth. All the latest equipment's were installed there. Above this tunnel a very heavy, strong, customized chamber was built, this chamber is even ten times heavier than the Eiffel tower of Paris. It took 40 years to built this chamber, building which took specialists from all over the world on board.
During these 40 years, many innovations took place in this tunnel. To name a few, internet. As, scientists were facing problem in exchanging information with each other. Thus, in 1999 a British scientist invented WWW (World Wide Web) in this tunnel. Similarly, other inventions like CT Scan and MRI were also invented in this tunnel. Currently, scientists are working on mechanisms and systems that can enable blind people see again. And the list of inventions happening in this tunnel are many, about which human living above the tunnel are unaware of. Soon they are going to market the Grid Computer which is being used in the tunnel. This computer can collect data of the entire world. Scientist working in tunnel are discovering ways to tackle problems of electricity and other energy crisis. Moreover, these scientists are also working with sub-atomic particles, which are million times smaller than an atom, thus unable to be seen through a microscope. During 2013, these scientists discovered such a material in this lab which is believed to provide energy to everything that is present in this world.  This particle was named as God Particle.  Discovery of God Particle brought laurels to the scientists, Peter Higgs and Francois who discovered it and they won Nobel Prize in Physics. This undoubtedly is one of the biggest discoveries in the history of mankind. Scientists believe that half of the objective or natural world is actually opposite of it. And this non-objective material is the source of energy. Scientist call this non-objective this as "Anti-Matter". Once the anti-matter comes into existence, it gives energy to the world, and this anti-matter itself gets destroyed in millionth part of a second. Recently, scientist working in the tunnel of CERN controlled this anti-matter for 17 minutes at a temperature of -271 C, which equal to a miracle. If scientists will be able to control the anti-matter for longer period, than the energy supply of entire world will be taken care of in matter of some seconds only. Thus, dependency on electricity and diesel will end.
Let's talk more about CERN. In CERN, there is a tunnel, which we already talked about, in it there is a tunnel known as LHC (Large Hadron Collider) which has many projects going on and one of them is ATLAS. By now we know that matter s composed of atoms, which in turn is composed of sub-atom, which further is composed of Nano particle, and further leads to Neutron and Proton. Even, we have further explored the composition of matter up to God Particle with the help of Higgs and Boson. At this level of matter, these scientists even worked with Pion, Nutrino and Muons. But what is beyond it? Scientist believe that there is something beyond it that is enabling the development of matter and universe at a greater level. Scientists are wondering what happens at this level! To find these answers, scientist in CCERN are working day in and day out. In LHC they collide protons to make hydron. Thus, these hydrons collides energy is formed which further crates everything that we see in this universe. Scientists believe this reaction can be the source of how universe must have been formed.  Out of these protons, one is matter another is anti-matter. This could be a point which combines mass less entities to form matter. But that is quiet not what is happening actually. And this what I am going to answer now.  Thus, I will explain the creation of anti-matter. The reaction of matter and anti-matter thus comes at secondary stage.
Stephen Hawking had talked about "Zero Point". The thought that say universe can collapse to zero anytime. And according to my "Super Infinity Wave Theory" which you will read further, every matter, every speck and even universe at a whole has two points namely + infinity and - infinity, which further leads up to + 0 and - 0, the point where anti-matter is about to get converted onto matter. So, if I apply the concept of Zero Point by Stephen Hawking, these two zero points can collapse into each other any time soon.  The hypothesis of Stephen Hawking that proposed that God Particle can even destroy the entire world, time, universe, if put at high energy filed of about 100 Giga Volt, but to release - by reducing everything to zero can be a reality.
 Water is made of Hydrogen and Oxygen, and its chemical composition of H2O. How is it formed? What is the source of Hydrogen? Dark Matter! We all know, Hydrogen is made of two protons, and the source of these protons is anti-matter. But then the question again arises, what is the source of anti-matter. And that is where my theory of "Super Energy Wave Theory" comes into picture.
It is noteworthy that anti-matter can't be controlled or preserved, if it can be, there won't be any energy crisis in the world. As stated earlier, it is a miracle how scientist controlled this particle for 17 minutes in CERN, under electromagnetic field - so that it can't react with any matter. Until now we have confirmed antimatter is a mass-less, highly volatile particle. Hence, a very important reason for the CERN team to conduct these experiments underground is to avoid the contact of photons, another volatile practice, which are emitted by sun.
As per scientists of CERN, they say that the Higgs Boson particles are the God particles. But that is not the case, as per my theory. Because, the source of antimatter is to be discovered, its working has to be found. Once that is discovered, after that comes the God particle, the source of everything - the source of anti-matter.
As per our scientific knowledge and research, energy has its own law - "energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it is transformed from one form to another." We are surrounded by many forms of energies, which we see, feel and eventually use. To name a few, solar energy, wave energy, light energy, kinetic energy, potential energy and
If one ponders, why can't we create energy? Doesn't that make us handicapped?
But according to my research, energy has its own source. It starts and ends in the form of a cycle. You must want to know what can be the source of energy, right? So, let's dive deep into it.
What is energy? How is it put to use? How it is transformed? What is its basic source? Does it vanish? Or is it an ongoing cycle? Let's find out.
Take example of the sun. As per our existing knowledge, the sun is a group of gasses, which are undergoing a process nuclear reaction, namely fission and fusion of Helium and Hydrogen. One of the basic units, which has been identified in the light energy is photon. The photons have the fastest speed in the world, so is the speed of light therefore.
Though it has been established now that how the sun gives us energy, but how did it all started? From where does the sun gets its energy?
We, as humans, only believe in physical entities, something that we can see and touch. And as the science advanced, we even discovered the form of energy - wave form - which earlier must have been unknown to us. Energy is in a wave form, which can be trapped and used. A wave is formed with the disturbance in the particles present in the atmosphere, space, object etc. To dig a little deeper, what causes disturbance in the particles? There is some source - of which we may or may not be aware of. As, beyond the disturbance of particles which causes vibration and energy, we won't see any movement of any particle, but that doesn't mean there is nothing beyond it. There is movement, it just the limit our instruments, where we can't see.
Example: Most of you must be aware of Uncertainty principle, also called Heisenberg uncertainty principle or indeterminacy principle, statement, which was articulated in1927 by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg, that the position and the velocity of an object cannot both be measured exactly, at the same time, even in theory. The very concepts of exact position and exact velocity together, in fact, have no meaning in nature. But limitation in our calculating capability, does not defy the fact that they all exit at the same time.
Going by Higgs Boson's particle physics theory, we have been enlightened about Nano particles, quark systems, God particle - all of which fall in the quantum physics. But even as per this concept a point reaches beyond which we still have no answer. Just like before we were unaware of Nano particles, today we must be unaware of something which will be brought to light tomorrow. Therefore, just because we are unaware of something doesn't mean that does not exist. Thus, in this book, I will take you to explore what is origin of the origin. And, that explains, just because we have not found out the origin of energy, it should not limit us to believe in that energy can't be created or destroyed.
As per Higgs Boson theory, there is following distribution inside a matter - atom, sub-atom, nano-particle and Higgs-Boson or god particle. At this level there develops a field called Higgs field and from other side comes the Boson particles.
When the Higgs field works on the Boson particles, matter is created. But what is the source of this field? 
Boson particles are mass less and are spinning at very high speed - parallel to photon speed.
In my theory of Super Energy Wave Cycle, which will be further explained in the next section, there is an infinite source of energy which decomposes, condenses to form matter. Thus, implying that there is source of not just the matter but the anti-matter also.
Now coming back to the Higgs-Boson theory, the Higgs field and Boson particles merge to release so much energy that leads to the creation of particles. But that is not the case actually. Mass is not created at this level but even before it. And that is what I am going to explain.

Now, talking about the Boson particles, they are themselves been created by something else, as it needs to have a source. Once Boson Particles are created only then it can act on the Higgs Field.
Thus, we need to find what leads to the creation of Higgs field and what is the source of Boson particles. This is what I propose in my theory.
Another important thing that I want to put forth is, creation of matter or energy is not a random process. To create a particular energy or particular particle, it is important for a particular ant-matter, particular matter, particular energy, particular time and motion of coming together is pivotal.
Higgs says, during the creation of matter with Higgs field and Boson particles, some of the particles are missed, because of high speed. But I say, even those missed particles form certain matter. And they go back to Infinity Wave and form particular matter. It's just that they are beyond our comprehension, it is yet to fall in the ambit of +0 and -0.
Example: If we keep three different types of matter say - water, mud, bread and waste at a particular place. Now the already present Infinity Wave Cycle which has the anti-matter in it will react with these different forms of matter. But, the role of Super Time formula and dimension is equally important here. And based on the particular composition of these items with different forms of matter will form different matter. 

The journey of energy, or anything, rather starts from a world which is limitless. If simply put, it is timeless, countless and speed less - i.e. infinite. And from this world of infinite magnanimity of matter and everything that it contains comes the source of energy.
According to the scientific knowledge, we do have established the presence of Nano particles, quark system and God particles. But there has to be something from which these particles would have been generated. Isn't it?
In real-world, everything is quantized and physical, yet, humans have reached to in-betweens. Be it decimals in a number system or sub-shells in an atom. However, the 80% of knowledge, the one about which I mentioned in the preface, is still unknown, undiscovered.  And the main reason for that is, that knowledge is limitless, non-quantized. And that non-quantized universe is origin of energy, and in this case, origin of universe.
Let's say, the source of energy which is infinite and shapeless. Now, we know, energy transforms its state in one form to another, and also, while transforming its state, some amount of energy is utilized - according to law of thermodynamics.
And as this infinite amount of energy transforms its state to another, there is loss of energy as well as change in the physical form of the matter as well. And accordingly, the energy will be changing its value to -90, -80, and so on. With the change in temperature and physical form, there will come a point we will reach to Dark Matter, Nano particles, God particles and head towards the state and form of energy which can't be fathomed by human mind and his tools. Since. It leads to break down of processes and accordingly the burning process starts.
As known already, Dark Matter is considered to be the raw material or precursor of source of energy. And that is true, as Dark Matter contains everything. Just like the black color, which engulfs all colors. Similarly, just like the darkness which already prevails, it's the light, which needs to be brought.
And to release those colors and bring the light, we need to utilize energy, thus - Dark Matter is the source, rather precursor of the source of energy.
For example, talking about light energy, a human is able to see with the help of a pupil only because it is dark inside, wouldn't it have been dark, a human couldn't see.
Once, the energy reaches to a point, let's say zero, that is from where it becomes quantized. Yet, it is something, we call it "nothing". And we see its transformation. Thus, limiting our knowledge to the fact, that energy can neither be created or destroyed is questionable. Then, as the transformation continues, it keeps on emitting until it diminishes and again reaches to this very point. Thus, there is a continuous cycle of Energy Wave Cycle going on. From the source it originates and to the

source it perishes. And during the cycle of completing the cycle, it changes its forms. If simply put, the entire universe lies within -0 and +0.
So, this Energy Wave Cycle ranges from minus infinity to plus infinity - it all is countless, yet it all exists. The point where the aforementioned two points meet has the source yet end of energy. So, as we approach zero, that is where we get Dark Matter, and from this zone, the universe is known to us. Thus, there are million of particles having their own Energy Wave Cycle, which contribute to the universal system.
Heading from -100 to -90 seems like increasing, but it's the reduction of energy, as source had infinite amount, which is reducing, and increasing number line shows - how we are approaching towards the end - the exhaustion of energy. Just like the time. It also has been started from infinity, which is ticking away and will finally end. And once it will end, and reach to its source, the cycle of time will start again. Similarly, aging, as we grow old, our time to live approaches an end.
Similarly, a person is cremated on death, it reduces to dust and goes back to the environment. If one notices properly, a person requires energy to eat food - chewing, digesting, all of this requires energy. On digestion, the food itself transforms to the energy as well. Once this human die, his body becomes manure, which is taken by plants, which in turn is taken by animals - all in the form of energy. Thus, everything is in the form of an energy. And its source is something which exists in the fourth-dimension of matter, which is yet to fathomed by human.
Another important dimension of my theory is time. The time, which is different than this worldly time. It starts from infinity and it is ticking away and that ticking away seems like the gain in world, but actually is its own approach towards to end.
For example: A hen has to necessarily keep the eggs warm for 21 days by sitting over them before they hatch. Time has a particular role to bring life into an egg. Similarly, a human fetus has to stay inside the womb for nine months, before it comes out in the world, healthy and sound. It is noteworthy that energy, infinity mechanism of the environment, the inside composition of it's a matter and antimatter and the source of anti-matter- all play a pivotal role in this dimension.   If any of these things go missing, the process becomes defected.
Thus, the role of Super time mechanism on particular matter with the impact of Super Energy Wave Cycle leads to formation of various matter and that is how the entire universe has been made from a virus to a sun, from rock to sand, to galaxies.

Work/Contribution towards the research world of science by Dr Shahzad Asim
A brief introduction:
Dr. Shahzad Aasim, a gold medalist in the field of music, is a man with a scientific explanation for everything that one wonders, or even that one doesn't even think about! He has already been recognized as a scientist in the field of music. After conducting many researches in the field of music and other subjects like philosophy and science, Dr. Aasim is a member of International Council of Research and Art USA and International Music Council France. Needless to say, some of his prestigious work has been already been recognized in these countries. To list a few, we have - The secret of music approved by International Music Council France, The Secret of Nature approved by International Council of Research and Art USA and The Moon at Noon approved by International Council of Research and Art USA.
One might wonder how a musician can turn into a scientist, right? Dr. Aasim was pursuing his medical degree in one of the medical colleges of his state. And during his second year in college, he recognized his calling. He realized that his purpose is not be a medical doctor, but something which was related to music, yet, not limited to it only. Thus, with all the scientific knowledge and larger than a life vision, Dr Aasim set his journey to find the answers.
Dr. Shahzad Aasim holds multiple Ph.Ds in the field of Music and other subjects like Philosophy and Science. In fact, there are many songs which have been composed and performed by him that have become timeless in Kashmiri folklore. He is valley's one of the most celebrated and popular artist, who has won many prestigious national and state level awards for being an outstanding artist

 “To explore a new trajectory of ideas in the form of concrete research regarding the Secrets of Nature within the context of scientific evidences and its dimensions”
                   A theory that is a “Comprehensive System” fundamentally based on Sound, Universal Time Theory and its Dimensions etc. thus can be called Metaphysics or Ontology of system and the system is named Super Infinity Wave System. . Life on earth is also linked to the same dynamics and metaphysics of sound. A precise mechanism and formula is there that helps and explains many facets of life. There is posited Super infinity wave cycle. Infinity, corresponding to energy, is neither created nor dissolved but changes mode of manifestation. The system will explain how come we have so far been unable to replicate life forms or interfere in organogenesis.
·       PHD in Philosophy from V.B.S Purvanchal University, Jaunpur-UP
·       PHD in Secret of Music from P.K.K Chandigarh
·       PHD in Musicology (Ethnomusicology) from University of Kanpur
·       Masters in Philosophy from V.B.S Purvanchal University, Jaunpur-UP
·       Masters in Music (Vocal) from P.K.K Chandigarh
·       Bachelors in Music from University of Kashmir
·       International Council of Research and Art USA.
·       International Music Council Paris.
Research Article:
·       “THE SECRET OF MUSIC” approved by International Music Council Paris.
·       “THE SECRET OF NATURE’ approved by International Council of Research and Art USA.
·       “THE MOON AT NOON” approved by International Council of Research and Art USA.
·       Received Gold medal award in the Field of Music from University of Kashmir.
·       Received 1st Position holder Merit certificate from University of Kashmir.
·       Received J & K best singer award 2006-2007-2008 through J & K Arts, Handicrafts & Exhibition.
·       Received best artist award from Hon’ble Sonia Gandhi ji for the National Integration program held at Surat (Gujrat).
·       Received best award for the contribution of art, culture & languages through Institute of Peace & Research from Susheela Bhan Director IPRA New Delhi.
·       Received best artist award for peace and prosperity and save art and languages of Kashmir titled Sain Kashir.
·       Received best award for the contribution of cultural heritage of Kashmir titled Panun Kashmir.
·       Received best artist award certificate from Divisional commissioner Bharat Vyas for Jane Apna Desh organized by NO MARKS INDIA LTD.2005
·       Received best artist certificate from Directorate of Field Publicity Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.
·       Received best artist certificate from J&K Art, Culture & Languages from 2004 onwards.
·       Received Certificate of participation From The Federation of Publishers & Book Sellers Association in India (FPBAI) New Delhi

Work Experience in the field of Music and Art
·       Music Albums:- As Music Director, Singer and Composer
1.    Brem Dith Saqi,
2.    Sadaa,
3.    Saher,
4.    Soz,
5.    Suroor,
6.    Saber and
7.    Sakoon.
Most of which remained popular at national level
·       As Jury in “MILEY SUR” 2008-2009 Season 1
·       As Jury in “MILEY SUR” 2010-2011 Season 11
·       Worked in about 500 serials for DD National and DD Kashir as Music Director/Singer.
·       Worked in different musical programmes for Radio Kashmir
·       As jury in many Government based talent hunt programmers organized by Information department, Culture Department, Tourism Department, Higher education Department, J&K Home Department/Ministry of information and Broad casting/Doordarshan Kendra Sgr/Radio Kashmir Sgr.
·       Director International Human Rights Organization, J&K Chapter affiliated with United Nations Organization. (2017-2018)
·       Scientist ICRAS (International Council of Research in art and Science.
·       Chairman Kashmir Advanced Scientific Research In Art & Culture, A Society established to provide a platform for great minds from any field especially Art, Culture Music, Philosophy and Science.

Our Work
Worked on Several projects of Music and Science, Art and Science, Philosophy of culture, Philosophy of Music, Secrets of Music with in the context of Science, Music Therapy, Ethics of Music (Ethnomusicology).
Present Work
·       A book Secrets Of Nature in progress
·       Research on various topics related to Secrets of Nature,
1.    Energy
a.     Super Infinity wave energy and its source
b.    Super Infinity Wave cycle
2.    Dark Matter
a.     Definition of Dark Matter and its Existence
b.    Dark Matter and Dark Energy
c.     Source of Dark Matter
d.    Dark Matter and its connection with Super infinity wave energy
e.     Dark Matter with in the context of super time wave mechanism
f.      Dark Matter/ Dark Energy and its origin
g.     Comparative study of Dark Matter/ Dark Energy and relation with point of singularity
h.    Dark Matter and its source (Anti Matter)
i.       Dark Matter as a precursor of Baryonic Matter
j.       Comparative study and connection between Super Infinity Wave, Super Time Wave, Anti-Matter (Non Baryonic Matter) and Dark Matter (Baryonic Matter)
3.    Time
a.     Definition of time
b.    Existence of time and its connection with universe
c.     Super time
d.    Origin of time and super time
e.     Super Time Wave Mechanism
f.      Comparative Study of Super Time, Super Time Wave Mechanism & Super Infinity Wave Mechanism
g.     Super Time and its relation with origin of universe
h.    Super Time Wave Mechanism and its connection with super infinity wave mechanism
i.       Time (Baryonic Time) and Super Time (Non Baryonic Time)
j.       Super Time and its relation with Time (Baryonic), Relativity, Gravity, Electro-Magnitism and other forces, existing in the creation, expansion, Contraction of the universe etc.
k.    Time, motion and its relativity (Baryonic), Super Time, Anti-motion and its relativity (Non Baryonic)
4.    Anti-Mass/ Birth of Mass
a.     Definition and Mechanism of Anti-Mass Concept
b.    Mass, Anti-Mass and its Relativity with super infinity wave Energy, Super Time wave etc.
c.     The Battle of Baryonic and Non Baryonic, results in birth of Mass
d.    Connection between Dark Energy and Anti-Mass concept
e.     Relativity of Anti-Mass concept and point of singularity
f.      Anti-Mass concept, the first mechanism in creation of universe
g.     Anti-mass concept or first particle of universe.
5.    Gravity
a.     Intensity of Gravity and its variations
b.    Gravitational force/pull
c.     Gravitational field
d.    Gravity and its connection of Anti-Mass concept, Super time wave mechanism and super infinity wave mechanism
e.     Connection of gravity, Gravitational force/pull, Gravitational field with inter, intra, strong, weak, Electro magnetic and many more non baryonic forces

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